Thursday, September 10, 2015

healthy habits

I have never been the type of person that works out. I have been the type of person that can't sleep & drives to McDonalds for a filet o'fish (crack on a bun) at 3 AM. Toward the end of my pregnancy I was working at a pediatrician's office 45 minutes away from our apartment and eating a Dunkin Donuts muffin & coffee for breakfast and 2 slices of pizza + a cherry coke for lunch every single day. By the time I had Sampson I was 35 lbs heavier than I had ever been and feeling pretty darn sluggish.

Fast forward to our arrival in Yellowstone. We hiked everyday & the nearest McDonalds was an hour away. We had to do our grocery shopping once a week and there weren't any "I really feel like brownies" opportunities to run back mid week. I drank more water than I think I have ever consumed in the rest of my 26 years. There isn't any internet here so I wasn't watching Netflix while eating breakfast and absentmindedly consuming 2 whole bagels in one sitting. I lost all my pregnancy weight gain and then a little more & I think I can honestly say that this is probably the fittest I have ever been.

We leave here in around 2 weeks & I feel like I need to have a plan for how to stay healthy when I am two ticks away from fast food & I can't walk out my front door to hike 10 miles. This is the game plan I have come up with:

  • Start running no matter how much I hate it and hopefully I'll eventually learn to like it. My mental laziness is something I still need to work on for endurance & stamina. I think the key for me is going to be coming up with a plan on how often/how long I want to get out and run & tell people so that it makes me accountable. 
  • Be conscious about what I am eating & all good things in moderation & smaller servings. Maybe I'll keep a food journal for the first few weeks.
  • Make vegetables a priority in what I am eating. Carrots instead of chips. Spinach in a smoothie. Kale in an omelette. Start lunch & dinner with a vegetable starter before scarfing down the main course. 
  • Keep a water bottle with me at all times. I'm more likely to stay hydrated & not turn to a delicious icy cold soda in a panic of thirst. 
  • When we are out to eat, Alex & I like to split an entree. We eat less, spend less, & feel better. 
My health makes me rich & I want to stay wealthy. How do you stay in shape?


  1. well, that's a hard one. I need to work on that again myself! One way is to just not have the food in the house. Another is just realizing that we don't *need* that (fill in the blank) right now. Or having something tiny (like 1 chocolate covered almond)... I really miss Ottawa in terms of how I used to get out and WALK everywhere. Having a car is bad for walking ... but one thing at a time. I think all health is one decision at a time.

  2. I have a subborn 5lbs that I put on this summer... water and walking is my plan of attack! We'll see how it goes!
